Don’t know what the Microsoft AZ-204 is for? Usually, the candidates who register for this certification exam are interested in learning how to effectively develop end-to-end solutions using the Microsoft Azure infrastructure.
What’s more, as this test is necessary for obtaining the Microsoft Certified: Azure Developer Associate certificate, the applicants have to master how they can manage and implement different types of web apps. In addition, the test-takers should be focused on improving their competency in implementing Azure authorization and authentication techniques, as well as using the Managed Identities and Key Vault to secure the solutions identified by them.
As you can see, exam AZ-204 is not easy. So, take a couple of tips to understand what you can do to pass the test with flying colors.
Effective Tips to Take the Microsoft AZ-204
Before you start your preparation, don’t forget to register on the Pearson VUE platform. The registration fee will be $165. But it’s worth reminding you of the temporary offer from Microsoft. If you’re one of those who lost your job and are unemployed due to COVID-19, you can register for this test for $15.
Already after that, you can begin the training process. To do this, the recommendations below will help you pass this evaluation from the first attempt:
- Check the Exam’s Blueprint
The first step you should take before enrolling in courses or ordering study guides is to check its blueprint. It includes relevant information about the topics tested during the final exam. Therefore, you can make an objective self-assessment and understand which knowledge areas you need to focus on more.
So, if you want to obtain the passing score in the Microsoft AZ-204 exam, you will need to demonstrate solid expertise in the following topics:
- Developing Azure compute solutions
- Developing solutions for Azure storage technology
- Implementing Azure security features in a business environment
- Monitoring, troubleshooting, and optimizing various Azure solutions
- Connecting and consuming third-party and Azure services
- Develop the Necessary Expertise
As you know, the vendor has clear requirements for specialists who want to take the Microsoft AZ-204 exam. So, any candidate who wants to be eligible for this exam should demonstrate that s/he has between 1 to 2 years of experience in developing and working with Microsoft Azure solutions. As well, the successful applicant should have competency in programming Azure language and gaining expertise in managing Azure SDKs, CLI, PowerShell, data connections, and data storage options.
- Find out Verified Training Materials
If you want to get a passing score in the Microsoft AZ-204 on the first attempt, you should dedicate a lot of time to solid training. For that, you can find verified prep instruments directly on the vendor’s site. For example, you can pay attention to free resources that will teach you how to create applications without using servers or storing data with the help of Azure tools. Additionally, Microsoft offers a paid instructor-led training option. It focuses on showing the candidates different methods of how they can develop solutions for the Microsoft Azure environment. All of this will help you succeed on the final exam.
It’s no surprise that a serious certification exam requires preparation. Therefore, you need to follow some simple steps to ace the Microsoft AZ-204 exam and gain a certification from a reputable vendor. As long as you understand the exam’s key objectives and identify the available training options, then your success is secured. Good luck!